
The Artist’s Way — Raw Notes, Highlights, Lowlights and Scribblings

I found myself going through an extreme period of self-doubt and a dearth of creativity. To force myself out of it, I picked up Artist’s Way. These are my raw, unfiltered thoughts/notes from my journey of going through this book. I will try to update this blog on a daily basis (Last Updated: 29th Nov, 2023)

Nov 28 (Week 2)

I have been meaning to write this since the start of Week 1, but I was overthinking it. Wanted it to be perfect, well thought out. I have realized that overthinking is one of my biggest Censors (a.k.a The Beast).

Week 2 has been about taking ownership of the “I”. Got me thinking around the folks I have in my life, how they either affect positively or negatively to my creative-side. Apart from the external influences, the biggest fight I feel is always the one that I fight with myself.

Other thoughts