
Subtle moments of greatness

I enjoy watching YouTube videos where people analyze different scenes in movies. It exposes me to a side of art that I may not fully grasp, but still deeply appreciate.

I came across a video discussing subtle performances. It explored those little gestures—an involuntary twitch, a smirk, or someone struggling to hold back tears—that add depth to cinema. These nuances often go unnoticed by our conscious minds, yet they enhance the overall storytelling experience. I wonder how directors and actors plan this.

Stephan King in his memoir wrote that he often lets his storyline flow naturally, without knowing the ending when he begins writing. Trying to capture a similar essence in filmmaking is no easy feat. Directors have an entire crew to manage, and discovering moments of spontaneous creativity and effectively bringing them to life is a monumental task.

This often fits back into our daily lives. We are all creating something in our own way. I often end up chasing the big dream without finding these subtle moments of greatness. One email, one conversation, one fleeting thought can become that involuntary twitch which guides your story.

How do I chase these subtle moments of greatness? I don’t know. I guess, I will just keep throwing darts and hope one hits the bull eye.