
Purposeless traveling

Sometimes I love traveling unintentionally. By unintentionally, I mean without a clear objective or a checklist. It comes with a sense of ambiguity layered with a feeling of freedom.

Last week I visited Rishikesh. I did have some faint idea on what I wanted from this trip, but nothing concrete. The first day is always eerie with multiple questions popping in your head - was this the right decision? did I choose the correct location/hostel? Though slowly you will start feeling comfortable, at ease. You will find the most obvious places and make it your own. For me, it was the Ganga Ghat. The first evening I sat there for two hours, alternating my blank gaze between the sunset and the river. I cried. Consciously at first, but then unapologetically. I made it a habit to go there every evening.

As you slowly set into a routine, people will start recognizing you, cafe owners will remember your order. You meet strangers and become vulnerable without the fear of being judged. You might never meet them, but you still make plans to see them next time. Simple, boring things and yet calming.

Every once in a while I love traveling unintentionally. Try it once.