
A girl on top of a van

Sunset is a different vibe in New York, especially if you are on other side of the Hudson or the East river. The city shines in the golden hour and I try to squeeze in an evening walk whenever I can. This week I was on such a walk with one of my colleagues, taking our weekly 1:1 out in the open.

We are going through a period of ambiguity at work. But this conversation was different. I wanted to be a bit more vulnerable. I shared how I haven’t been feeling creative and want to find joy at work again. The conversation led to us discussing about what are our values. And lately I have been trying to answer that question for myself - what are my values? what are my guiding principles?

In the middle of this, he saw a girl sitting on a top of van. She was sitting, wrapped in a cozy blanket, looking at the beautiful sunset over Manhattan. He approached her, introduced us and started making a conversation. I was standing, quietly. Nodding and smiling whenever I felt like it. Turns out, she was living out of a van for the last year or two. This was her sixth month in New York and was searching for a way to make some money to help finance her travels. They chatted briefly for a few more minutes, exchanged names and we went back walking to the office.

I have always been attracted to living an alternative lifestyle. And I have massive respect for folks who do. It requires courage and immense trust in your own self. More than half of that battle is with your own critique.

Every now and then a small part of me wants to run away and live that kind of a life. Get a van, go around the US, write, read, cook, meet new people. Maybe that would bring me joy?